2022: Thoughts and goals
With COVID-19 still having big effects on my life and the lives of those around me, I’m definitely looking at my plans for 2022 through that lens. I’m not feeling as though I can make travel goals or plans, which is unfortunate! I’m focusing a lot on optimizing health this year- COVID brings the importance of investing in health to the forefront.
That said, I’m also definitely focusing on creating experiences this year that help me not miss travel. I’m planning to do another race- I enjoyed the 5k I did with the family this year and I miss running overall, and want to start doing more distance in both hiking and running. I have some career goals, this year I’m focusing on moving into a director-level role with a broader scope, more learning and application of new learning in my daily work.
Throughout 2021 I’ve been writing a series of short posts on LinkedIn reflecting on successes and gratitudes, and I’ve really enjoyed that practice and will continue it. I may look to cross-post those here as well, but LinkedIn is my largest audience and the thought that those posts might be seen by thousands is a big reason why I post them there- it helps me get more comfortable with celebrating successes and reflecting with gratitude in a more visible way, which always kind of made me uncomfortable but is beneficial to not just me but those around me.
I also have some plans for around the house and with family and friends too, I’d like to get new family photos, and more regularly connect with friends, alongside fun experiences with my immediate family.
All these are captured in my journal, with measures and all that because I’m a good goal-setter. 🙂 And to reflect a bit, 2021 was a big year. I finished my Master’s, took on more at work, the kids were in and out of in-person school due to COVID closures, we managed to avoid illness mostly, ran a 5k together, I did more hiking this year, which was great, did a very careful trip to the Scandinave Spa in Collingwood which was wonderful, I turned 40, I did 40 acts of kindness to commemorate that, I did a little conference talk and a podcast, I completed my largest freelance project to date, and lots more. Here’s hoping 2022 is at least as good if not better!