

Last weekend, Trevor’s parents came down and Trevor and I went out to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I wanted to see it mostly because of the actors who were in it- I often like spy movies, as well. Well, this one was a hard one to watch, for me. The story was good, and the acting and costuming quite good, but I had a hard time watching the more violent scenes. I don’t know if that’s the postpartum hormones talking, but it was rough. There’s a scene at the beginning of the movie (which is revisited several times) where a nursing mom basically gets caught in the crossfire, and her tiny baby survives. Talk about difficult. Oy.

Last night I went out to help with a stage management workshop that KWLT was putting on. It was good! Nice to get out for something other than choir, and nice to go to the theatre- I hadn’t been there in ages. The workshop itself went well, there were lots of questions, which was nice. I hope it sparks people’s interest and gets them learning more about stage managing.

In other news, it’s snowing today. It hasn’t really been properly snowy yet this winter, so it’s a bit weird to have it be actually snowy outside (though it looks like sleet at the moment). I’ve gotten used to it being unseasonably warm. And I guess I don’t have to abandon that feeling, because it looks like it’ll be 5 degrees on Monday. There we go then. It’s almost March, after all.

Weekend, first aid, Muppets

It was a pretty busy weekend! On Saturday Trevor and I took a long first aid course with St. John Ambulance, and we’re now both certified in emergency first aid for adults, children and infants, and use of defibrillators for same. It was a decent course, I’m glad we did it. Made for a long day though- practicing CPR on plastic dummies can be pretty tiring.

On Sunday, we saw The Muppets, which was pretty good! I didn’t get to watch much of the Muppet Show when I was smaller, though I did enjoy pretty much all the Muppet movies I’ve seen. Anyway, if you haven’t seen it, and you like Muppets, go, because it’s awesome.


It has been a while since I wrote a post here, there is a lot to catch up on! It’s full on summer now. The weather has been hot, dry and sunny for a bit, which is nice, but we could use a good few storms to catch up on our rain.

My last post here was a few months ago, so the biggest new development isn’t reflected here yet- I’m pregnant! I’m about 14 and a half weeks along now. The first trimester was okay to me- a little rough at times, lots of nausea but I never threw up. I feel pretty good nowadays, but I’m still pretty tired here and there. Things seem to be going well- I’ve had a few ultrasounds, and have gotten to hear the baby’s heartbeat and things. I have a hard time sleeping at night, but overall, things aren’t too bad.

I’ve been enjoying an increase in free time- I’ve been paring down my volunteer activities, and it’s been great to get more time to myself again. I’ve cut back on theatre, and I’m not sitting on the board of KWLT anymore, which frees up some time, and I’m not singing with the Phil next year, so that frees up some time as well. Work is busy, but I hardly notice because I get to go home in the evenings, heh.

Having more free time also means I can devote some time to those around-the-house projects that have been backburnered for a long time. We got the walkway weeded over the weekend, did some cleanup, and next weekend, I’m planning to paint the front door and garage door (if it’s not too hot).

I saw the final Harry Potter movie over the weekend, and it was good! I definitely bawled my eyes out over Snape’s story. It might be the hormones, but that was a tear-jerker! It was pretty awesome overall. We also hit up the ribfest in Kitchener on Friday evening and had some nice bbq. It was pretty great.

Movies, weather, music, and running

I finally saw The King’s Speech this past week, and it was awesome! And not just because of Colin Firth. 🙂 The costumes were really quite splendid as well, the screenplay was good, the acting was superb. I really enjoyed it.

This week also brought some very welcome above-freezing weather. Up to 7 or 8 degrees a couple days in a row! A lot of the snow melted, and everyone got a taste of that mental and physical perking-up that spring brings. It was awesome. I went out without my snow boots on! There’s something really awesome about the first day you can go without snow boots or a coat. Even if it is in February and the winter weather is still going to come back again before spring arrives properly.

Was back at the gym this week after a few weeks of not going, as well. I did lose a bit of speed in those couple of weeks, but I managed to get through one long-ish run last night (just over 6 miles) so that was good. I needed it.

Starting to work on the St. John Passion in choir. I never thought I’d say this (being a long-time anti-Bach type) but it’s nice to come back to Bach. I think I’m just now starting to realize why the big Bach fans feel the way they do. It’s a different challenge from the 20th century stuff we’ve just finished, and there’s something very comfortable about baroque tonality, even if the actual singing can be quite difficult sometimes.