
New bed and other hedonism

Since we moved in together nearly 8 years ago, Trevor and I have not had the most awesome of beds. Our first bed was a futon (which we still have), but it was fairly low, and not super comfortable.

Then, we bought ourselves a proper bed, which we’ve had ever since. It’s quite comfortable, medium firmness and euro-topped and all, but it’s double size. Our apartment at the time was a decent sized one-bedroom, but we didn’t have quite enough space to go for a bigger size.

So we’ve been sleeping in that double bed for quite a while. Staying in hotels while traveling though, we’d gotten some tastes of the king size, and quite enjoyed it. Tons of space to move around. We could hang out with Wesley in the mornings for a morning bed cuddle! With us and the cats in the double, it was starting to look a bit like a clown car compared to the hotel beds.

So we went for it and bought a king size. It’s memory foamy and non-motion transfery and such. We also got some hardcore gel pillows that feel like down pillows without the annoyingness of down.

For the full hotel-like experience, I bought all white linens, too. It was all delivered yesterday. We slept in it last night and it was pretty comfortable! It’ll take a little getting used to though. The pillows are pretty blissful. And the linens. I had a cup of Calming tea in bed last night and it was pure hedonism. After a long bath in my sweet soaker tub. Yeaaaaah. Highly recommended.

bed in bedroom

It’s SO huge compared to our old bed. Like, we can barely reach each other. But it’s awesome. Our double bed has been relegated to guest room use:

guest room
Come on over!

And the futon now lives in the office:

office with futon

I feel like a dork going on and on about it, but sleeping is a third of our lives and all. Anyone else done a huge bed upgrade like that? How long does it take to really get used to it?

Leap Day, and March comes in like a whatever.

So yesterday was leap day, and I didn’t post, but I figure leap day doesn’t count. I watched 30 Rock last week and they had this whole crazy episode basically building up traditions around leap day, including having a bizarre Santa Claus-like character called “Leap Day William” who gives candy and cigarettes to crying children, haha. A clip!

Anyway, the whole concept behind the show was that leap day was a day that didn’t count in your real life, so you should do something crazy! I did not.

However, the day itself was a little crazy, because around 2:15 or so in the afternoon, the power went out. The power almost never goes out here, we have underground power so bad weather doesn’t drop lines, and in general, service is pretty great. But nonetheless, yesterday, no power from about 2:15 til about 5. Our house started to get a bit chilly (especially the family room where I spend most of my time- it’s above the garage and has a huge window, so it’s not the best insulated of rooms). Wesley and I moved up to Trevor’s and my bedroom where it was warmer and hung out up there, I read my book a little.

I was glad the power came on before it got full dark, but it made me think maybe we should have a proper emergency kit with bottled water and batteries and extra flashlights and all that. I will think about getting one of those put together. We have plenty of food stored up, thanks to our deep freeze and our pantry, but having a kit would be good, especially having a baby in the house. You know. Just in case the world ends. Does anyone have one of these? If so, what’s in yours?

The weather was a bit gross yesterday, rain and freezing rain and some snow. It’s still cool enough now that the slush is still around, and it’s heavily cloudy, but it doesn’t quite seem bad enough to say March is coming in like a lion. 🙂

Things that are awesome

Christkindl Markt – I’ve been to the Christkindl Markt in downtown Kitchener for the past 4 years or so, and it’s awesome every year. This year, I didn’t have to sing there, which was nice. I got a funnel cake for lunch on Thursday when it opened, and it was delicious.

New desk at work – Our office is expanding, and everyone is moving around to best make use of new spaces. So my team moved down a floor, and I wound up in a pretty nice desk! I am pleased. I’m by the window, but not facing it, which is nice as I prefer to face the room anyway. Though I’m only at work for a few more weeks before my leave starts, it’s nice to spend them in a workstation I like. My keyboard tray is coming tomorrow too, so that will be good!

Trello – Over the past little while, I’ve been using a service called Trello to organize tasks for myself, and I’m finding it pretty nice. I was using Google tasks before, but this is nicer and has a lot more options, and it works nicely on my Blackberry. Check it out if you regularly make to-do lists!

Blackberry 9810 – I got a new Blackbery recently, with the new OS (OS 7) and I am a big fan! It has a better camera than my previous device, the navigation is nice, I still have the sweet keyboard, bigger screen… I dig it.