Trying new tech
Yesterday, I got a chance to try out a cool new platform called Blab. It’s kind of modeled on a late-night talk show- there’s 4 open seats, and you can have a discussion, people can join in and ask questions, and so on. It was super fun! I also got the chance to e-meet someone that I’ve been following for some time now, Jane Bozarth. Â We held the chat under the Institute of Performance and Learning umbrella (formerly CSTD, now with new branding!). We had a discussion on a topic that she wrote a book on- showing your work. Basically, the idea is that there’s all this tacit knowledge, and we’re not great at capturing it- but that with some different approaches, we can better share what we know and how we do what we do. I got some cool new ideas for showing my own work!
Anyway, if you want to check it out, you can review the recording!