February and March 2018: Recap
What an unprecedented couple of months it has been!
I missed out on a recap of February, so I’m going to go ahead and lump February and March together here in one big list of bullet points.
- Caught up with some friends, had some great lunch dates!
- Had minor surgery to remove a mass (which wasn’t cancer, hooray)
- Designed and piloted a new customer training program at work
- Designed another training program on top of that (pilot to come)
- Travelled to Holland to give a talk at LXDCon (which went fantastic)
- Successfully completed the Escape from Casa Loma King/Queen of the Bootleggers escape room with 15 fab friends for a dear friend’s birthday
- Delivered new training program to the first cohort of customers (~40 in all)
- Worked with I4PL chapter executive to add a new member and plan upcoming events
- Worked with a few fantastic professionals as a mentor
- Worked on a new safety training program for a client
Now in April, and there’s a lot more to come! I hope your 2018 has been going well too!