
2021 – Thoughts so far

Hello all! I know it has been a while. Wanted to provide some updates and share. First of all, wanted to mention that I’ve been posting fairly regularly on LinkedIn– sharing successes and gratitudes. Check those out if you’re interested! Like most ambitious people, I am always working on how to better celebrate successes and get off the “treadmill of achievement” so to speak- this has really helped me do that a bit better.


So since my last post here, I’ve had a few updates professionally and personally! First of all, my title was updated at work- I’m now officially Associate Director, Learning & Development. I’ve been working toward a director level role for some time and I’m excited to be taking more steps toward that.

Also, the Allies Acting for Change task force that I am part of was nominated for, and won, the biggest award at our organization. It has been such an honor to work with that group and to be recognized in such a way. I’ve felt really lucky this past year.

After attaining my coaching certification at the end of last year, I’ve been able to work with a group of dedicated coaches to provide an awesome coaching offering to all our leaders as part of our leadership development program. It’s a great way for more leaders to be able to access coaching, and has really gotten some great feedback from leaders. I’ve been able to expand on the offerings and keep leveling up the ways we support our leaders’ development.

I also took on a pretty big freelance project that was ongoing throughout the beginning of 2021. It was a great opportunity to work on developing resources for small business owners. The first two sets of courses are already released which is awesome, and one more set should be coming soon.

Professional Development

So I have wrapped up all the courses in my Master of Education program, and have now applied to graduate! More to come as that process continues- I’m hoping to do a sweet photoshoot in academic regalia. As part of one of my last courses, I got to make a video talking about my experiences, which was fun. I’ve learned a lot about editing video from a few little video projects this year. Still definitely a novice but it’s great to have picked up a few skills! Take a look if you’re interested.

I’ve also been taking an antiracism course and am planning to take an Organizational Design course starting next month. I’ve always got so much to learn, and it’s awesome to have lots of options available. One benefit to COVID is that lots of courses that would have required cost-prohibitive travel in the past are online now!


The kids have been in and out of in-person school this year as lockdowns and COVID management has been ongoing. Distance learning is a bit tough because it means managing everyone’s calendars and schedules, but we’ve been doing our best. Trevor has gotten his first vaccine dose, which is great! I’m still trying to get an appointment. I might try lining up somewhere next week to see if that works. Most of my friends who are eligible have gotten their first dose already.

We’ve had a bit of a nicer spring this year than last year, and the playgrounds are open which means it has been a bit nicer for getting outside. We still mask up outside if the parks are busy but it’s nice to have more outdoor playing options.

Looking forward to a bit of “quiet time” so to speak, now that I’m wrapping up grad school and I don’t have any freelance work on the go. Weekends where I don’t have to do assignments or consulting work are pretty nice!


Mentoring is an extremely valuable way to speed up learning. Getting the opportunity to get feedback and glean knowledge from more experienced people who have been through what you’re going through is an incredible opportunity.

I think that sometimes we over-formalize it, though. I’ve experienced many of what I call “mentoring moments”– short, casual interactions where someone helped me learn something new or gain perspective.  Likewise, I’ve been on the mentor side of these experiences as well, sharing knowledge and perspective with others who could immediately benefit.

I don’t think we pay enough attention to these great opportunities. I remember about 15 years ago, when I first learned about all the different selection tools in Photoshop.  I wanted to make someone a new userpic for their LiveJournal (shut up, it was 2002) and I was painstakingly erasing a background, zoomed in, pixel by pixel. A designer I knew jumped in and said “Oh geeeez, you can do that so much faster, let me help you.” and he showed me how to easily select and delete just what I wanted.

Definitely a mentoring moment!  Coming away from that, I knew to always check for an easier way if I found myself hip-deep in something detailed and tedious in Photoshop. And I watch for those opportunities now, much more closely.

I’ve also participated in formalized mentoring programs. While I get huge benefits from these (shoutout to my mentor Heather from 4 years ago!) I think they’re just part of how people can really strap their advancement to a jetpack.

Over the next couple weeks, keep an eye out for these mentoring moments. Can you show someone how to set the speed on the treadmill faster? Did someone help you get your WebEx session set up properly on the first try?  All these go into making you and others smarter, more capable, and more awesome.