Spring is coming!
And is seemingly already here, with the lovely weather this week. Yesterday and the day before, I took Wesley out in his carrier for a long walk (about a mile and a half, but that’s pretty long carrying the dude in my non-ergonomic carrier, but I have an ergonomic one coming shortly!) It was fun and the weather was gorgeous. I hadn’t gotten much sleep at all though, so I kinda regretted it later when I was exhausted and cranky. Yesterday Wesley was pretty cranky, so I guess it’s contagious. 🙂
I’ve been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer lately, and it has been pretty entertaining. I never watched it at all when it was originally on, and since there are so many episodes, it has been a good one to watch during feedings and naps during the day in order to relax. I’m in the middle of season 3 now. It reminds me pretty strongly of a magical girl anime, only live-action and in English.
This morning, a band of thunderstorms has come through and it has been all thunder and lightning! A little early, maybe, but real thunderstorms! The temperature is supposed to top 20 degrees today and for the next several days as well (20° C is sort of a big spring milestone- it’s the beginning of “seriously, no jacket” weather, haha). It’s starting to clear up now, but it was pretty crazy to hear the thunder and see the lightning flashes out our window this morning.